My Story
I’ve been dabbling in crystals and oracle cards since I was a tween and unbeknownst to me, my fascination for all things witchy and “new age” (as it was called at the time) was indicative of my mission. However, my full-on spiritual awakening didn’t come until I developed Graves Disease many years later. Despite receiving numerous messages, and feeling connected to nature and the Universe, I remained in fear and ended up choosing the blue pill. I resisted the nudging of my guides to walk the spiritual path and admit this was a part of my life’s work.
Fast forward almost 2 decades later and I have fully stepped into my role as a Lightworker.
We go through various trials and tribulations along our life journeys to help us discover and serve our missions. I believe I have gone through some of mine to refine my role in helping others break through energetic blocks such as conditioning and negative self-talk that keep us from living rich, full lives.

My Approach
I've been guided by my starseed, African, Indigenous, and Celtic lineages to help others through the study of various modalities including Reiki, Ayurveda, crystal energy healing, chakras, Sekhem, Seichim, IET, herbalism, color therapy, sound healing, essential oils, astrology, numerology, drum journeying, and nutrition. These tools, along with my intuitive abilities, allow me to to help you identify and break up stagnant energies to help bring clarity to your life and activate your Genius.
I call this process, energetic wellness.
While I do believe healing can occur as a result of our sessions, I'm not fond of the word healer.
I like to think of myself as more of a facilitator of healing because ultimately you have the power to heal yourself. I use my gifts and training to help your body and energy field achieve a state of calm, which is the groundwork for stepping into your Power.
So if you are in need of some balancing, peace, clarity, harmony, and/or empowerment,
I'm at your service.
I’m based out of the Boston and New York City markets but can work with you remotely.