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40 Days, 40 nights and a Planet

A fellow astrology enthusiast recently asked me if I had heard of the 40 day and 40 night concept as it relates to Venus. The only thing I knew about the “40/40” was JayZ’s club and Jesus being in the desert for such a time. Despite her seeming irritation that I wasn’t familiar with the Venus connection, 😒 I was intrigued.

Not only does the Christian bible mention Jesus’, Noah’s, and Moses’ 40 Day connection, it also mentions Venus, which as it turns out, retrogrades for 40 days.

When Venus is in retrograde, it signals a time to slow down and reevaluate our connection to love, money, self care, pleasures, and overall comfort or in my opinion - forms of abundance.

The number forty has also been connected to other spiritual beliefs from Egyptian to Buddhism to Islam. In all contexts, this time frame is used as a barometer for ushering in a rebirth of sorts.

So why am I bringing this up? The aforementioned conversation motivated me to find my own 40 day excursion. When a friend forwarded an abundance class by the great Iyanla Van Zandt, it was like my request was promptly served to me on a platter. It helped eradicate and bring clarity to the decades of punishing myself and not believing that I’m worthy of having the abundance that I desired but felt so far away from. I realized that this issue of having trouble manifesting was a lesson to bring me closer to my Higher Self and The Great Spirit and to learn to honor myself. So I ask, what are you being called to do for 40 days? Where in your life can you use a shift, some newness, a rebirth? It is said that it takes 21 days to break a habit. Imagine what can shift in 40.

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